Young people became an important force in protest movements against nuclear weapons etc, believed in their power to shape the future, started to break away from their parents' views.Bands like 'The Beatles' had huge fan bases - came from Liverpool.Narrator emphasises how carefree they are at this time. A quick sequence of scenes show them going out together to places like the beach and the rifle range. Mickey, Edward and Linda's teenage years are presented in a very positive light."Teenagers" became a recognised age group, first time it was accepted that young people had their own culture and ways of behaving.Mr Lyons refers to the "shrinking pound" and the "rising price of oil".Influenced by issues such as rising unemployment and the recession.There are references throughout to real issues that affected people in the late 1960s and 1970s.When Russel wrote the play, Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister.Family structure was still very traditional.Rise of mass advertising and colour television, children were exposed to films, televison programmes and celebrities.1960s saw the emergence of 'youth culture'.The River Mersey was the "life-blood" of Liverpool and when it collapsed not only effected unemployment but mental health of people.The play is set sometime between the 1960s and 1980s.
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Will review the submission and either publish your submission or provide feedback. You can help us out by revising, improving and updatingĪfter you claim a section you’ll have 24 hours to send in a draft. But the robbery goes wrong and Sammy murders someone. He comes up late in the story when he offers Mickey a chance to score some extra cash by helping with an armed robbery. Sammy is one of the several older brothers in the Johnstone home. In the end, Linda ends up with Mickey, pregnant and married. Eddie likes Linda, but Mickey also likes her. This is the love interest of both brothers. Eddie likes the same girl as his brother, but he lets Mickey be with Linda, choosing to go to college instead. Lyons's constant paranoia leads her to control him, telling him that he can't hang out with his friends anymore (because she knows they might find out they are related). He ends up being at serious odds with her when Mrs. Later Mickey (partially due to his serious financial needs) gets involved in a crime, and ends up serving serious time for being an accessory to murder. When he is old enough to play with the neighborhood kids, he becomes best friends with Eddie, not knowing they are siblings. One of the twins is Mickey who is raised by Mrs. Johnstone into keeping her word, saying that twins who are separated and reunite will die. She convinces the woman to give one of the boys away, and then she uses a hex to scare Mrs. Lyons is a wealthy woman whose husband is always away on business.

Johnstone has been left by her husband to single-handedly care for a family she cannot financially afford to support. When she finds out she is not only pregnant but pregnant with twins, she is convinced by her employer to give one of the babies away to Mrs. Written by people who wish to remain anonymous
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